Terms and conditions for entrepreneurs

The Terms and Conditions further define and specify the rights and obligations of the parties, which is

Milpex s.r.o., with its registered office in Hradec Králové, Piletice 55, ID No.: 48 17 26 00, VAT No.: CZ48172600, acting as an executive, as a legal entity registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové in Section C., Insert No. 3852. Tel: +420495221247, email: info@milpex.cz (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier") for the sale of goods ordered via the Internet and this website, hereinafter referred to as the "Online Shop" and

a buyer (customer) who is not a consumer.

A consumer is any person who, outside the scope of his/her business activity or outside the scope of the independent exercise of his/her profession, concludes a contract with the entrepreneur or otherwise deals with him/her.

An entrepreneur is a person who, on his own account and under his own responsibility, carries on a gainful activity by way of a trade or similar activity with the intention of doing so on a continuous basis for profit, shall be regarded as an entrepreneur with regard to that activity. Any person who enters into contracts in connection with his own business, manufacturing or similar activity or in the independent exercise of his profession, or who acts in the name of or on behalf of an entrepreneur, shall also be regarded as an entrepreneur.

The supplier is an entrepreneur in the relationship in that he carries on business under these conditions on his own account and responsibility as a sole trader by way of trade or similar activity with the intention of doing so on a continuous basis for profit.

The customer is obliged to familiarise himself with the terms and conditions before commencing business with the supplier in the online shop.

Each visitor to the online shop, other subscriber, customer and supplier alike, shall bear their own costs associated with the connection and use of the internet to the shop in accordance with these terms and conditions.

1. Purchase contract

The customer has expressly chosen to enter into a purchase contract via the online shop and these terms and conditions by placing an order in accordance with the online shop. By placing an order, the Customer confirms that he/she agrees to the conclusion of the transaction via the Internet in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The Customer acknowledges that in order to conclude transactions of a larger size, volume or, where applicable, higher shipping costs, a written contract will be sent to the Customer for confirmation or otherwise verified for authenticity.

Goods under these terms and conditions will be ordered by the Customer via the order form with the goods identified as listed on this Supplier's website. The goods ordered shall be identified by their verbal description together with the item/product number and price. The customer is obliged to indicate the number of items ordered. The Supplier shall be entitled to disregard incomplete or otherwise defective orders; the Supplier shall notify the Customer at the e-mail address provided by the Customer.

The order must be marked with the proper address of the customer's registered office or residence. Unless the customer fills in a delivery location different from the address given, the goods are to be delivered to the customer's registered office or home address. The order can only be modified until it is confirmed and dispatched.

If the order is not confirmed by the Supplier, the transaction is concluded by delivery of the goods. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, each individual confirmed order or delivery of goods shall constitute a separate purchase contract. A contract on the basis of a purchase order is not concluded for an indefinite period or recurring performance, but only for each individual order.

The goods are described in the assembly from which the order is made by a verbal description and an indication of the characteristics of the goods.

2. Prices, transport and delivery of goods

The goods will be dispatched to you no later than the next working day. Otherwise, the operator will contact you with additional information on the phone number or email specified in the registration.

The goods will be delivered by mail order or by the supplier's sales representatives. In addition to the published price of the goods, the customer is obliged to pay the handling, packaging and delivery costs in the total amount published at the time of ordering, depending on the payment method chosen. The Customer may also arrange with the Supplier to collect the goods at the Supplier's premises. The customer is bound by his expression made in the order until the delivery of the goods or until the supplier rejects the order. The Supplier shall have the option to reject the order within 10 days of its receipt at the latest if its operational conditions do not allow its fulfilment, later only if the goods are not properly delivered to the Supplier. Such notification shall be sent to the customer by e-mail to the internet address provided by the customer, otherwise in writing to the delivery address.

The price of the goods listed in the online shop catalogue shall be binding for as long as it is published in the online shop, and the supplier shall also notify any changes thereto by publication in the online shop. Deliveries will be made at the price published at the time the customer placed the order. The order confirmation is in unit prices without rounding and without VAT.

Ownership of the goods and the risk of accidental destruction shall pass to the customer upon acceptance of the goods.

We support the following payment options for goods:

Cash on delivery - you pay the money when you receive the goods to the postman, at the post office or to the PPL courier.

By bank transfer - as soon as you submit your order, you will receive an email confirmation of your order which includes the amount, account number and variable symbol under which you should make the payment. Immediately after the payment is credited we will send the goods to you. Please make payment to the account within 5 days of ordering.

Payment by card - you pay for the goods using a secure card payment gateway - your order is sent immediately with this payment method.

Cash on collection - you can pay in cash on receipt of the goods at the company's headquarters.

The shipping fee is set according to the table.

3. Right to withdraw from the contract

There was no right to withdraw from the contract.

The goods can be exchanged by prior agreement with the supplier, but must always be returned within 15 days of delivery.

If the returned goods have been damaged by a breach of the buyer's obligations, the seller is entitled to make a claim against the buyer for compensation for the diminished value of the goods and to set it off against the claim for the return of the goods to be exchanged or to demand payment of the difference in the purchase price.

4. Rights arising from defective performance and claims

The customer is entitled to exercise the rights of liability for defective performance, however, the right must be exercised by the supplier without undue delay after the defects have been discovered, at the latest within 3 working days of the discovery of the defect. The goods must be sent to the above-mentioned supplier's registered office within the aforementioned period, with a proper written description and specification of the defects for which the right is claimed. The statement describing the defect must also contain the buyer's choice of the related claim, an indication of what the customer is claiming and what he is demanding. All products are covered by a guarantee period, for consumers this is a period of 24 months. The Seller will consider the claim in accordance with normal circumstances. The period of time during which the complaint will be assessed by the manufacturer, including the time required to transport the goods to the manufacturer for assessment, shall be proportionately extended by the period for the settlement of the complaint between the supplier and the customer. If the complaint is found to be justified, the Seller shall arrange for the replacement of the goods or a refund without undue delay, but no later than 30 days from the date of the complaint. The refund shall be sent back to the customer's account.

The warranty period is not the shelf life of the goods; depending on the intensity of use and maintenance, textiles and linen may lose their properties due to natural wear and tear before the warranty period expires. However, this is a feature, not a defect. Such a situation is not covered by the right of liability for defects.

In the case of goods sold at a lower price, the seller is not liable for the defect for which the lower price was agreed. The reduced price of the goods compensates for the defect for which the price was reduced as a discount. By concluding the transaction, the customer agrees to the discount granted as reasonable for the defect.

The seller is not obliged to satisfy the buyer's claim if he proves that the buyer knew of the defect in the goods before taking delivery or caused it himself. The goods must not be used contrary to their normal purpose of use, must not come into contact with chemicals and chemically aggressive agents or with sharp and rough objects which may damage the surface of the fabric by their edge or roughness. The underwear shall not be exposed to direct sunlight. Textile goods must be washed and maintained only according to the symbols on the goods.

The Supplier does not provide follow-up services after the sale of the goods, nor does it provide repairs, alterations or modifications to the goods supplied or other similar products.

The buyer is entitled to assert his rights under liability for defects before the court of competent jurisdiction.

5. Protection of personal data

All handling of customers' personal data is governed by Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, as amended, and other legislation in force in the Czech Republic, in particular REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

The Customer, by his/her consent and free choice and by filling in the data, indicates that he/she is aware of all the above and agrees to the further processing of his/her personal data for the purposes of the Supplier's records, legal obligations and business activities. The processing is carried out electronically in the information system. We do not pass on personal data to anyone, only persons designated to carry out transactions and to administer and maintain our systems have access to it. The provision of personal data is voluntary, without it we are unable to carry out the transaction. If you choose to register for your next purchase, your personal data will be stored indefinitely. Consent to the use of personal data for marketing is required separately. Every customer has the right to access, block, correct, complete or destroy personal data, and is entitled to protection of their rights to the extent provided by law. You may withdraw your consent to processing at any time in writing or by electronic communication. The Supplier is the controller of the website and also the processor of personal data within the meaning of the aforementioned law. This website contains valid identification data of the e-commerce operator and an updated list of customer contacts. The customer is entitled to rectify and modify the stored personal data according to the stated possibilities of the website, in case of a request to cancel the record and change the contact e-mail address, it is necessary to contact the supplier, technical support at: eshop@milpex.cz. If you wish to arrange with us to process your personal data differently from the basic settings, please contact us at info@milpex.cz., we will do our best to accommodate you. The basic setting ensures that your consent is stored.

MILPEX s.r.o. is registered in the Register of Data Controllers of the Office for Personal Data Protection under registration number 00035314 with registration date 7.9.2009.

We determine your satisfaction with your purchase by means of e-mail questionnaires within the framework of the Verified by Customers program, in which our e-shop is involved. These are sent to you every time you make a purchase with us, unless you refuse to receive them in accordance with Section 7(3) of Act No. 480/2004 Coll. on certain information society services. The processing of personal data for the purpose of sending questionnaires within the framework of the Verified by Customers programme is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, which consists in determining your satisfaction with your purchase with us. We use the processor Heureka.cz, the operator of the Heureka.cz portal, to send questionnaires, evaluate your feedback and analyse our market position; we may pass on information about the goods you have purchased and your e-mail address to Heureka.cz for these purposes. Your personal data is not passed on to any third party for its own purposes when sending email questionnaires. You can object to the sending of email questionnaires within the framework of the Customer Verified programme at any time by rejecting further questionnaires using the link in the email with the questionnaire. If you object, we will not send you the questionnaire any further.