Piletická 55/36, Hradec Králové 500 03
(Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 15:30)
Before you come to us, please verify that you have received an informational email from us stating that the goods are ready for pickup. If you think that you should have already received the email but haven't, please call us at: +420 602 600 974. We will check the situation.
- We do not accept cash on delivery shipments.
- In case of own transportation, we only accept shipments at the address provided above.
- Shipments can be returned only by prior arrangement or by filling out the form HERE.
If you are sending the goods by your own carrier, please make sure that the chosen carrier delivers to the address and not to the nearest partner pickup point.
MILPEX s.r.o.
Piletická 55/36
Hradec Králové
500 03, Česká republika
ID: 48172600
VAT: CZ48172600
Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Hradci Králové v oddíle C., ve vložce č. 3852.
Československá obchodní banka
Account number: 4009733962/7500
IBAN: SK5975000000004009733962
Jana Půlpánová
Kurta Konráda 2174/19
190 00, Česká republika
ID: 87426307
VAT: CZ6657042106